Argue Less. Love More. Build Together.

9-12 minutes: tested in 49 countries

Want A Stronger Relationship? Select All That Would Be Helpful

Meet Ben and Sarah

Together for 6 years, they describe their relationship as ‘Good’.

We asked them to share one thing that drives them nuts about each other.
Ben: “Sarah is awesome but I feel like she cares more about what her family thinks than what I do sometimes.”
Sarah: “When Ben gets so focused on being successful, I feel like everything else is second.”
Neither of them really knew what was behind these conflict points. So they accepted our offer to try the LifeSync™ Core Values System for couples and the insights started flowing!

See Any Differences In Their Core Values And Motivations In Life?!


Their Top LifeSync 'A-HA's'

Sarah image A-HA

That makes more sense! Ben's #1 core value is Achievement and that's pretty opposed to my #1 value of Caring. Instead of just being annoyed when he gets so focused, I'm going to try and use this to show him how a little compassion could be really helpful for us. And I'm going to try and give him more space to 'just do Ben'.

Ben Image A-HA

Ok, so Sarah's #2 core value is Tradition and I see that links to conservative motivations. I can see how this value is opposed to my #2 value of Self-Directed Action when it comes to planning the adventurous life I want for us. I bet we can figure out how to work her needs into our future.

You Get The Point.

We're each beautifully different.
When we understand how, we can be more considerate of those wonderful differences.
Otherwise, start the countdown to conflict!

Isn't It Time To Really Understand Your Partner?

Not Many Small Investments Have This Reward

9-12 minutes: tested in 49 countries


We discovered a lot about each other with LifeSync.

Loved the side-by-side Values Maps—so clear how different we are!  The storytelling and strategy exercise gave us some concrete examples of our aligned and opposed values–and this concept of honouring our opposed values to reduce conflict is something we hadn’t consciously explored until now. 

May and Fraser – Victoria Canada

You Could Just Find A Free List Of Values Online, But...

  • Based on leading academic research with at least 49 countries and 53,000 people
  • Shows how your core values link to your motivations and behavior
  • Helps you confirm your core values and spot gaps in your life.
  • Helps you turn valuable insight into lifelong practice
  • Includes random values…and there are thousands!
  • Includes only universal, basic human values
  • LifeSyncTM Core Values System
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  • Free List of Values
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Your Values Motivation Map

Understand Your Core Motivations In One Graphic
  • 1
    Your SubHackTM Values-Motivation Map graphically shows how your basic values relate to your motivations in life that affect every decision and every behavior​
  • 2
    Use your Personalized, high-res JPEG SubHackTM Map as wallpaper on your desktop and phone so that, through repetition, your subconscious can solidify your core values and motivations. It will then provide consistent input to your conscious, analytical mind that’s making all your decisions in life.
  • 3
    Some LifeSyncers order a custom framed canvas of their SubHackTM Map so they can see it everyday. More Subconscious Strengthening. Excellent way to auto-align your life with very little effort.

LifeSyncTM Core Values System

3 Steps to Auto-Align Your Life
  • Step 1

    Get Clear


    Take Core Values Survey

    Schwartz PVQ is the leading core values model in social psychology, proven in 49 countries with over 53,000 participants.
  • Step 2

    Confirm and Check Life Alignment


    SyncCircleTM 360 Values

    Get Anonymous confirmation of your core values and see any gaps in your life from up to 5 people that know you best.
  • Step 3

    Always Top of Mind


    SubHackTM Tools

    Hack your subconscious with your core values. Auto-align everything in your life.

It’s hard to see ourselves clearly… this will help.

  • 5 people who know you very well take the same PVQ Core Values Survey, only now they’re completing it about YOU.
  • you receive ANONYMOUS results. No need to create any relationship drama!
  • your results are a comparison table of your survey values compared with those of your SyncCircle.
  • you get confirmation of your core values AND can pretty quickly spot any perceived gaps between your core values and how you show up in life. Fertile ground for reflection!

SubHackTM SMS Program

Your weekly SMS will include your SubHackTM Map and ONE key reflection question that you ponder for 5 minutes.

"Research has shown that values influence behavior more strongly when people have previously thought about typical applications of those values" Schwartz, Handbook of Values. Oxford Press


Do You Want a Deeper Relationship?

Invest a few minutes of your time and
less than a meal out.

9-12 minutes: tested in 49 countries

A Proven Model Across Cultures

Wherever you live and however you were brought up, you're human.
Professor Schwartz's leading research has shown that we share a set of nearly universal core values that motivate our choices as we build our lives.
0 +
Countries Studied
0 +
Research Participants

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Nice! Sounds Like Getting Clear On Both Your Core Values And Motivations Would Be Helpful.

Leading researchers in social psychology have shown that your motivations are driven by your core values AND, as a couple, your core values are likely to be different. So?

If you understand your core values and motivation differences there’s probably no issue.

When you don’t have clarity on those differences, look out! You’ll run into each other much more often than necessary and not really know why.